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May 2017

Alex Malay Ice Cream Dress

Rochell Perro Malay, creative director & founder of Alex Malay, tells us all about her fashion boutique on Main Street New Iberia and her first-year anniversary sale.

Why Visit Isle of Iberia RV Resort

Wondering where to stay in Iberia Parish this summer? Well, the parish has always had numerous islands, and now there’s another. The Isle of Iberia RV Resort recently celebrated its grand re-opening under the Iberia Parish Parks & Recreation department as the newest Louisiana camping site in Iberia.

Main Street New Iberia has won another prestigous honor and was designated an accredited Main Street once again! Read about the steps the city has taken to make keep Main Street New Iberia one of the best in America.

Lao Ladies at Lao New Year Celebration in Coteau, Louisiana

The founder of the Diabetic Kitchen, Nathaniel Mitchell, Sr. guest blogs about the Lao community and the successful merging of diverse cultures.

The Isle of Iberia RV Resort is celebrating its grand opening weekend! See the activities and events and learn about the recent changes.

George Rodrigue's famous Blue Dog has finally found his way back home to Bayou Teche Museum in a new permanent art gallery with a recreation of Rodrigue's own studio.

Buy signed and rare James LeeBurke books at Bools Along the Teche

Books Along the Teche is the resident Dave Robicheaux homebase for knowledge, signed books and rare first editions, meet the owners Howard and Lorraine Kingston and see how they've turned a passion into a profession.

Paint Acadiana at the annual Shadows-on-the-Teche Plein Air Competition and see art in action. Read more to see what the weeklong event entails and then grab your paintbrush and join the fun!

The Louisiana Travel Promotion Association (LTPA) introduced Mcllhenny Company, the maker of  TABASCO® brand Pepper Sauce, as the winner of the Attraction of the Year Award. Read more for a look at what has made the brand a household name for 150 years.